Three Ways to Make your House Move More Organised

Once you have found your perfect property and your offer has been accepted, then the real work of moving house begins! In order to help the moving process to run better and to help keep your stress levels down, here are a few things to do which will make the move easier and less overwhelming…

Get the Moving Date – In order to get things arranged and sorted, it is important to first get an idea of when the moving date will be. Although there can be hold ups and delays, when you have this information it gives you something to work on. You can then get things arranged and contact people who can help you move like removal companies Bristol such as this in order for you to be ready for the big day.

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Start Packing – As soon as you get that date, the packing can commence! Having a plan to work on with how much you want to get done will help you to ensure that everything is ready and packed for the big day. Taking the time to pack properly also means that your things will not be damaged when they get to the new house.

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Make a List of People to Change your Address with – You will need to notify people that your address will be changing. Start to make a list of people that need to know such as the DVLA, your doctor’s surgery and the Inland Revenue for example.

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