Observing brown leaves on your bubble gum plant can be concerning. If you notice that the leaves of your bubblegum plant are changing color, it could be a cause for concern. However, it’s important to remember that leaf discoloration does not necessarily mean your plant is doomed.
It could be a sign that your plant is experiencing an underlying issue that requires attention. You can employ some basic problem-solving techniques and apply straightforward remedies to restore your bubble gum plant to its former healthy state. By doing so, you can address the root cause of the problem and help your plant thrive again.
What Causes Brown Leaves on BubbleGum Plants?
There are a few common causes of brown leaves on bubblegum plants:
Bubblegum plants need a thorough watering about once a week. If you aren’t watering enough, the leaves will dry and turn brown around the edges. Always check the soil before watering – if the top inch is dry, it’s time to water.
While bubblegum plants don’t like to dry out, they also don’t like soggy soil. If you are watering too often or not allowing the soil to drain thoroughly, excess moisture can cause brown leaves. Check that your plant has drainage holes to let the soil dry out partially between waterings.
Low Humidity
Bubble gum plants prefer Average room humidity levels around 40-50%. The leaves lose moisture if the air is too dry, and brown spots or crispy edges can form. Mist the plant daily or use a pebble tray to boost humidity.
Too much direct light can scorch the leaves of bubblegum plants. Brown, crispy spots may indicate sunburn. Move the plant from bright windows or use sheer curtains to filter the light.
Spider mites, mealybugs, and other common houseplant pests can all cause leaf discoloration and browning. Check the undersides of leaves and stems for any signs of bugs or webbing. Wipe leaves with insecticidal soap or neem oil to get rid of pests.
Cold Damage
If exposed to cold, drafty areas or temperatures below 50°F, bubblegum plant leaves can turn brown from the damage. Please keep it away from hard windows and drafts.
Chemical Burn
Using too much fertilizer or contaminated water containing fluoride or salts can burn the leaves and cause brown tips or spots. Always follow fertilizer labels and use purified or distilled water if possible.
Fungal diseases like botrytis or bacterial infections can also cause leaf browning. Remove any severely affected leaves, avoid overhead watering, and treat with a fungicide if needed. Good air circulation helps prevent diseases.
Old Leaves Dropping
The oldest outer leaves will naturally yellow and drop off as newer leaves grow in. This is normal and not necessarily a sign of a problem. Just pinch off the unsightly leaves.
How to Fix and Prevent Brown Leaves on Bubble Gum Plants
Once you’ve diagnosed the cause of brown leaves, you can take the proper steps to fix the issue and get your plant healthy again.
Adjust Your Watering
If you suspect underwatering or overwatering, modify your watering technique. Check the soil before watering, and water thoroughly only when the top 1-2 inches dry. Provide good drainage and don’t allow sitting water.
Increase Humidity
Raise the humidity around your plant by misting the leaves daily, using a pebble tray filled with water, or placing a humidifier nearby. 40-50% humidity is ideal for bubblegum plants.
Move Out of Direct Light
If the brown spots look burned, it means too much light. Place the plant further back from bright sunny windows. Filter the light with sheer curtains if needed.
Treat Pests
Thoroughly wash leaves with insecticidal soap or neem oil to kill any pests. Repeat treatments weekly until they are gone. Isolate badly infested plants to prevent spreading.
Protect from Cold
Keep bubblegum plants at temperatures above 50°F. Move it away from drafty windows or doors. Avoid placing it outside if it may drop too low overnight.
Flush the Soil
If you suspect fertilizer buildup, flush the soil by watering thoroughly until water drains out the bottom several times. Allow it to fully dry before resuming regular watering.
Use Purified Water
Tap water with added chemicals can burn the leaf tips. Use distilled, rain, or filtered water. Allow water to sit out overnight before using it to dissipate any chlorine.
Improve Air Circulation
Ensure your plant has good airflow. Space plants out, use a fan and avoid overcrowding to limit the risk of diseases. Trim off any severely affected leaves.
Remove Old Leaves
It’s normal for the oldest leaves to turn yellow and fall off as part of the natural growth cycle. Just pinch these off to maintain an attractive appearance.
Caring for Your Bubble Gum Plant to Prevent Future Brown Leaves
Prevention is the best cure! Your bubblegum plant will stay lush and green if you provide proper care and ideal growing conditions.
Here are some general tips:
- Water when the top few inches of soil are dry, about once a week. Always check the soil before watering.
- Allow soil to dry out moderately between waterings. Don’t let it get bone dry or stay soggy.
- Water thoroughly until it drains from the holes at the bottom. Never let it sit in a saucer of water.
- Mist leaves daily or use a pebble tray for humidity around 40-50%.
- Keep in a bright spot, but avoid several hours of direct hot sun daily.
- Average indoor temperatures between 65-80°F are best. Avoid cold drafts.
- Wipe leaves every two weeks to keep dust-free and check for pests.
- Repot annually in spring to refresh the potting mix. Use well-draining soil and a pot with drainage holes.
- Fertilize monthly in the growing season with a balanced houseplant food.
- Prune back overgrown, leggy stems to promote bushier growth.
- Propagate by taking 4-6 inch cuttings and rooting in water or soil.
By tailoring your care to your plant’s needs, you’ll keep it thriving for years! Monitor regularly for any issues and address them promptly. With the right conditions, bubblegum plants are hardy and resilient.
Although seeing brown leaves on your prized bubble gum plant can be worrying, this issue can be corrected when you identify and address the underlying cause. The most common causes include underwatering, overwatering, low humidity, too much light, pests, and diseases. With a few simple adjustments to your plant’s care and pruning off any dead leaves, you can get your bubblegum plant thriving again in no time.
Be sure to provide light, humidity, water, temperature, and nutrients to keep your plant healthy and prevent future leaf browning. You can enjoy your beautiful bubble gum plant for years with the proper growing conditions and care!
Common Questions
1. Why is my bubble gum plant getting brown leaf tips?
Brown leaf tips are commonly caused by dry air, underwatering, chemical burns from tap water, or too much fertilizer. Boost humidity, check watering, or use purified water.
2. What causes brown spots on bubble gum plant leaves?
Brown spots can be sunburned from too much light or bacterial/fungal infections. Move to indirect light and prune off affected leaves. Check for pests, too.
3. Why do the oldest leaves on my bubble gum plant turn brown?
It’s natural for the oldest leaves to eventually yellow and drop off as the plant grows. Just remove the unsightly leaves to keep it looking fresh.
4. How can I revive a bubble gum plant with brown leaves?
Assess the cause and fix issues like watering, light, pests, or diseases. Cut off severely damaged leaves. With proper care, it will regrow new healthy foliage.
5. Is it normal for bubble gum plant leaves to turn brown in winter?
Some leaf drop is natural in winter when growth slows. However, significant browning/leaf loss indicates an issue like dry air from indoor heating. Increase humidity and continue usual care.