Making the Most of the Space in a Smaller Kitchen

If you have a smaller kitchen and want a bigger one but can’t afford to add an extension or move house, don’t despair – there are lots of ways that you can make the most of a smaller kitchen and create the space that you are looking for…

Having a smaller kitchen is a challenge but there are lots of ways that you can make the most of the space that you have available.

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Move things around – Moving things around and changing your kitchen layout can create a lot more space for you to use. If you have things in your kitchen that could go elsewhere, this is the time to move them. For example, a freezer could be moved into the garage or cupboard under the stairs to create some room.

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Save Space – There are lots of great ways to save space in your kitchen – integrated appliances like this Bosch integrated washing machine are good for this as they fit snugly into the rest of the units rather than having gaps in between like in a kitchen with freestanding appliances.

Storage – Making sure that you have a good amount of storage space is crucial if you are wanting to make the most of the space you have in the kitchen. Fortunately, there are loads of things that you can do to create extra storage and make the most of the space that you have.

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